
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Day Trip to Paris

Okay, so we spend the day in Paris. My camera died on me just after the Eiffel Tower and the river ride :( so I'm just going to post a few pictures of that (I got tons. I mean it. Of just the tower!)

 I really hate to make these smaller, but to fit the page I must.  I told you I have quite a few of the Eiffel Tower, so I picked my favorites. 
 It rained on us. A lot. I was a little bummed out that it was raining so much. Until I started taking pictures. The clouds made for such interesting pictures than I ended up glad it had rained on us. And not that gentle sprinkling stuff either!
 It cleared up fast and when we went on the river boat ride, the sky was blue and it was starting to warm back up. Here is a picture of Jeremy as he lets his gaze wonder to the Eiffel Tower, beholding the beauty!

And here is Jeremy! Saying how much he just loves being in France and how much he wanted to be an honorary French Man! (If you don't hear from me, Jeremy probably dumped my body in the ocean)
 And the Eiffel Tower with a blue sky!
 One of the first things we saw when we got out of the train station was a Dominos Pizza. The French drive on the right and have good pizza. It was like coming home!!
 This is Napoleon's statue. Can't be in France without a few statues of him!
 But here's what was cool about the statue. All the way up (it its really tall) was victory scenes from all of Napoleon's battles. This is a close up, which I got on the double decker bus. Not bad for snapping while moving, eh?
And the last picture I have for you from Paris. This is Place de la Concorde, where in the French Revolution many were beheaded. Including Marie Antoinette. What a happy ending for the post, right? Ha!

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